CD & DVD Bundle

Original price was: $274.00.Current price is: $137.00.


Anointed to Love

There is no "secret" to ministering in more power and authority, but there is a pathway.
Again and again we see in the ministry of Jesus how He moved with compassion. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed lepers, and multiplied food.
Join John Thomas as he explores the role compassion plays in miracles.
Discover how the activity of Heaven is released and receive an impartation to be filled with God's love for the broken and lost.

Dreams and Mysteries Season 1 DVD

"The mysteries of God weren't hidden from you, they were hidden for you!"

Join John Paul Jackson as he explores the mysteries of God in the inaugural season of Dreams & Mysteries. The episodes in this season are:

  • The Mystery of Justice
  • The Mystery of Dreams
  • The Mystery of Prophets & Psychics
  • The Mystery of Good & Evil
  • The Mystery of Angels
  • The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
  • The Mystery of the Gift of Revelation
  • The Mystery of True Spirituality
  • The Mystery of Destiny
  • The Mystery of Time
  • The Mystery of Choice
  • The Mystery of the Law of Attraction

This set has three discs that correlate to the three book series Fully Alive.

Increasing Your Spirit's Capacity

Interaction Between Heaven and Earth CD/DVD COMBO

This teaching from John Paul will give you a clearer picture of Heaven’s administration by explaining spiritual weapons God has given us and the spiritual beings God has created to help us use those weapons.

You will come away from this teaching knowing:

1) God wants you to live an exciting, vibrant, supernatural life through Christ Jesus, and Heaven’s interaction is vital in helping you do that.

2) God wants you to understand His eternal nature, and in doing so, grasp the difference in not only the eternal and temporal, but the eternal and everlasting.

3) God wants us to understand that the co-existing Spiritual Realm is superior to the Temporal Realm in every instance.

4) God wants us to set our mind on things above so that we have Above the Line Thinking. How do you get Above the Line Thinking?

How you think will lay the groundwork for your destiny. Jesus wants to see His earthly rule and His purposes established here on earth and He wants to use you to do it. Find out that you’re not alone in this endeavor, in The Interaction Between Heaven and Earth.


Intro to Prophecy

Join John E. Thomas in  Intro to Prophecy as we dive deeper into 1 Corinthians 12–14 to learn more about:

  • Discerning the source of spiritual activity
  • How to grow in expectation for God to move in and through you
  • The place spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, have in a spiritual community
  • Practical ways to keep love at the center of our spiritual experiences without limiting our hunger for more

Includes 5 messages on DVD or MP3

Introducing Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit continues to be an enigma to many, including Christians. Some find Him difficult to really know and others think of Him as a thing to be had rather than a person to be known. Join John as he discusses what the Bible has to say about this amazing Person, learn of His fun-loving personality, and allow your hunger to know Him personally grow.

The MP3 version of this resource comes with a companion downloadable e-book called Introducing Holy Spirit by John E. Thomas.


The Journey Into a Life Worth Living

If Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, what’s the difference between the life we’re living now and the life He wants to give us?

You will never be completely satisfied until you live the life Jesus designed you to live—a life worth living!

We often think of ourselves as human beings having occasional spiritual experiences, but the Bible describes us as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. If Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, what’s the difference between the life we’re living now and the life He wants to give us?

In The Journey into a Life Worth Living, taken from John Paul’s course Living the Spiritual Life, you’ll learn how to make the transformational shift from a bio life to a zoe life—a life in which your body, soul and spirit are in harmony.
In this 2-CD teaching you’ll discover:

• What living a spiritual life looks like.
• The ebb and flow of the Kingdom including prayer, angels, and
• How you can be a partaker in the divine nature of God.
• How to recognize when the Holy Spirit is causing a divine
hunger inside of you.
• How to attune your spirit to the Holy Spirit.
• How to reach a place where you do only what you see the Father


Prophetic Reformation

Prophetic ministry is a gift God gave to His church to help her grow into all He intended for her. When prophetic ministry is mature this growth is evident! There is a Prophetic Reformation underway in the church. Join John E. Thomas as he explores key ingredients to this reformation!
This 3 CD set includes:

Disc 1: Maturing Prophetic Communities. What are the hallmarks of a mature expression of prophetic ministry in a spiritual community?

Disc 2: The Prophetic and the Five-Fold Graces. How does prophetic ministry interact with the apostolic, evangelist, teaching, and pastoring?
Disc 3: Reasons God Speaks. Prophecy includes personal ministry, but is much more than only personal ministry. What are some of the other things God accomplishes as He speaks to and through us?

Regaining What You've Lost

For anyone who feels like their mistakes from the past have caused them to miss out on their God-given purpose, this teaching from John Paul is an inspirational reminder that God has already written your story and will use your past failures to propel you into your destiny.


Top 20 Dreams

Taken from his Advanced Workshop in Dreams & Visions course, the Top 20 Dreams audio teaching contains over 100 rapid-fire interpretations of these common dreams and their variations. This teaching will help you understand the vital role context and detail play in a dream’s meaning. In this 4 CD set listen as John Paul uncovers the meaning of these dreams.

The Tabernacle of Moses

What would happen if someone saw into heaven and was given a divine pattern that revealed how God interacts with mankind, a path to deeper spirituality, and a blueprint for heaven? That is exactly what Moses did! Join John E. Thomas as he delves deep into the Tabernacle of Moses, drawing out mysteries from Scripture, study, and an experience that John Paul Jackson shared.

True Spirituality

What is True Spirituality?
How can you tell the difference between True and Dark Spirituality?

The world is craving "spirituality" more than ever. But why aren't the churches growing? The demand for "spiritual enlightenment" today is mind-boggling - one need look no further than the Spirituality section of Barnes and Noble to see how the world is now filling the God-shaped hole in their hearts through the philosophies of Oprah Winfrey and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. But in doing so, what light is the world letting in
In this two-disc set, John Paul discusses how the gurus of the day can call themselves spiritual and in some ways actually be correct in doing so.
What is it going to take to ensure you are hearing from the One, True, Pure, Holy Spirit? In tumultuous times you need to know the difference between what is good and what is God. Join John Paul as he shares this timely teaching of discernment and learn how to avoid the subtle persuasions of the enemy by following the One, True, Pure, Holy Spirit.


Unlocking the Mysteries of the Lord's Prayer

Discover the untapped richness and blessing packed away in the prayer Jesus revealed to His disciples when they asked Him how they should pray. This was recorded in 2005 as John Paul taught this to his staff.


Where's God?


If you’re following God, you may well find yourself as David — alone and so distraught you have no more tears to cry out. Or, in God’s view, right where he wants you.

In this amazing teaching, John Paul takes you along on a series of plot twists and parallel storylines that display the manifold wisdom of a God never taken by surprise.

Learn to view your life outside the constraints of your own timeline by understanding how God uses the intersection of friends, adversaries and life circumstances to create a capable vessel.

Discover the biblical key to “strengthening yourself in the Lord.”

This teaching by John Paul Jackson will help you recognize the visible signs of an invisible God and display His power in your life even in the most difficult times.

Before the Kingdom of Heaven can advance through you, it must advance in you! Learn to surrender to that transformational process and live an overcoming life in Him!


Wisdom and the Prophetic Journey

John Paul Jackson examines fundamental principles essential to growing in spiritual maturity. These seven principles of success can be applied to your life and help you reach your full potential and destiny.


Your Great Purpose

Listening to this teaching will increase the impact your life will have; it will teach you to be a catalyst in Heaven's revolution.

If you’ve ever doubted your ability to be a change agent in the world—to have influence and Kingdom impact in the world around you—this powerful 2-CD teaching from John Paul will inspire you with God’s truth and the faith to go beyond the ordinary and believe his supernatural purpose and destiny for your life will happen!

Your Next Victory

Listen as John Paul explains how you can grow in wisdom and understanding even when it feels everything is falling apart.

Discover how to enter the secret place and become a partaker in God’s divine nature!

Do you find yourself facing the same obstacles over and over again? Does it seem like you’ve been making your way around the mountain for years and the scenery never changes? Your Christian walk is seldom a flat, straight path. More often, it’s a long, winding road full of deep valleys and steep hills. God never leaves us during our lifelong journey to Him, but sometimes it feels that way.

In Your Next Victory, you’ll learn how to recognize and overcome seasons in your life when God feels far away.
Listen as John Paul explains how you can grow in wisdom and understanding even when it feels everything is falling apart.

• What does fear of the Lord mean and how can it lead to spiritual wisdom?
• How do we receive breakthrough in areas we’ve struggled in for years?
• What does it really mean to die to self and to be crucified with Christ?
• How do we grope for God and enter His presence when we don’t feel He’s near?


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