Broken Heroes
Posted on September 4, 2024
People of renown
Mighty deeds of faith
Humble acts of faithfulness
Filled with heaven’s love
Desperate weirdos
The world’s losers
They’re Father’s heroes
A family of praise
Not hip or holier than thou
Not full of empty pride
Not drunk on popularity
Full of the Spirit’s love
Kindness to a fault
Humility’s silence
Gentle strength
Unyielding faith
The least, like David
The great, like a god
Warriors limping
To confident victory’s song
Overlooked by most
Kingdom’s mighty host
Men and women of love
Fighting for the least
No prison left unbroken
No shackle left undone
No dead heart left not beating
Sinner’s loved to life
Kingdom army arise
Feel His heart as it cries
Full of redemption stories
Histories being written
Following a humble King
No stable too dirty
No mission too small
Nations or orphans,
You will have them all
Wall Street to Skid Row
Strong to weak
Addicted to fame
Or too broken to dream
Lost and forgotten
Forever in Your sight
Finding and redeeming them
Is our hearts delight
Destinies alive
Hope pumping strong
Joy is our portion
Holy is our dream
He is all, never too small
Arm not too short
Desire not too weak
Father is calling us home
Nothing can hinder
Heaven’s ultimate design
A family joined together
With every heart aligned