DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 6: Spiritual Wisdom

Sheri Cadenhead

Come discover nuggets of spiritual wisdom. In this module you will explore leadership dynamics, how to be a leader and how to recognize safe leaders. You will learn essential spiritual laws and principles and discover the power of creativity to transform culture and spiritual atmospheres.  You will also be taught more effective ways to heal the sick and learn how …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 5: Spiritual Warfare

Sheri Cadenhead

There are many superstitions, even in the church, when it comes to spiritual warfare. Understanding Jesus’ teaching on spiritual warfare will help to remove some of the mystery about spiritual warfare.  Having a healthy understanding of spiritual warfare will keep us from two traps: One, ignoring spiritual warfare and being defeated by the enemy. And two, thinking that everything is …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 4: Contemplative Spirituality

Sheri Cadenhead

What is true spirituality? Since people started walking with God there have been those that delved into the deeper spiritual life and found a path to peace, victory, and intimacy with God. In this module you will learn how to pattern your life accordingly and start walking that path (to peace, victory, and intimacy) more than ever before. You will …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 3: Inner Healing & Deliverance

Sheri Cadenhead

What are demons and where did they come from? Can a Christian have a demon? Does your family’s history affect your life today? In this module, you will discover answers to these questions as well as how to recognize and remove strongholds. You will be equipped to minister inner healing and deliverance, discerning strategies that keep you and others in …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 2: Theological Foundations

Sheri Cadenhead

Is theology really important? What about encounters with Christ? Does doctrine quench the Spirit? Join us as we explore these questions and more. You will develop a Biblical worldview, learn how to study the Bible and understand its major themes, and see how that interacts and supports a truly spiritual life with the God we love!

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 2: Module 1: Growing in Kingdom Authority

Sheri Cadenhead

The kingdom of God is the central theme that holds the story of the whole Bible together. In this module, you will learn what the kingdom really is, how to discover and increase your authority in it, and the keys to greater effectiveness in expanding God’s kingdom in your life and in the areas God calls you into!

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 1: Module 6: Prophetic Lifestyle

Sheri Cadenhead

Emotionally Healthy Prophetic … it is possible! You’ll learn practical skills that will increase your effectiveness in prophetic ministry, uncover historic cycles that hinder the prophetic, and track down ancient pathways to walk in communion with God consistently and powerfully. This module will bring specific, practical application of a prophetic lifestyle to outreach, the marketplace, and family life. Access module …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 1: Module 5: Interpreting Dreams & Visions

Sheri Cadenhead

This module will bring to life (and light) the language of heaven, the principles of dream interpretation, and how they relate to supernatural experiences. You will learn the skill of dream interpretation that work with both, those who know God and those who are still discovering Him, and develop habits that will help you remember and respond to your own …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 1: Module 4: Types of Revelation & Dreams

Sheri Cadenhead

God gives us many different types of spiritual encounters and often hides messages in the metaphor of those encounters.  Learn what it means to be a “seer” and how to see more in the Spirit; How different types of dreams and encounters guide us into heaven’s purposes; A deeper understanding of translations, transportations, angelic visitations and supernatural events that are …

DIPLOMA: Academy Phase 1: Module 3: Understanding Prophetic Ministry

Sheri Cadenhead

There is more to prophetic ministry than the gift of prophecy. You will learn the specific functions of prophetic ministry, when and how to use them, and the difference between the gift of prophecy and the office of the prophet. We will also dive into the various revelatory gifts, the numerous ways God speaks, and when and how to respond …