Mentoring with R.T. Kendall

Josh Motlong

Welcome to more Mentoring for Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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Mentoring with John E. Thomas

Josh Motlong

Welcome to the Mentoring phase of Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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Unit 4: Biblical Worldview

Josh Motlong

Welcome to Unit 4 of Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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Unit 3: Knowing Your Bible

Josh Motlong

Welcome to Unit 3 of Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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Unit 2: Apostle’s Creed

Josh Motlong

Welcome to Unit 2 of Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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Unit 1: Word & Spirit

Josh Motlong

Welcome to Streams Academy, Phase 2, Module 2.Download your manual in the “Materials” tab above, then continue in the journey.Welcome to Unit 1 of Module 2: Theological Foundations.Please continue your journey below.

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