Welcome to the mentorship portion of Module 1: Prophetic Operation: God and Man.
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Welcome to the mentorship portion of Module 1: Prophetic Operation: God and Man.
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Has someone ever given you a prophetic word that didn’t seem to “fit” you?
How can you know—for sure—if a prophetic word is from God?
Many people believe that if someone says, “This is a message from God,” they are obligated to accept the word as His voice. But the truth is prophetic people get words wrong sometimes, which is why it is so important to discern prophecies and figure out what God is really saying.
This short book is filled with practical steps for discerning if a word is from God and how to respond to it. At the end of this book, you will feel more confident about the prophetic words other people give you, as well as what you are sensing personally from the Lord.