Charity Bowman-Webb
Inverness, ScotlandCharity is passionate about the prophetic and creativity. She loves being part of igniting creative and pioneering ways of releasing God’s Spirit in the Church and through mission. She is the Director of Streams Creative House with Streams Ministry International teaching and ministering in different nations. Her heart and calling are to help believers explore God though a depth of relationship, develop maturity through their revelatory gifts and see restoration and understanding of the creativity of God released to transform culture.
Through her first book and course ‘Limitless: God’s Creative Mandate for His People’, her newest book ‘Creative Fusion‘ and various other teachings she aims to ignite the creative DNA gifted to God’s people wherever God sends her. Charity lives in Inverness, in the Highlands of Scotland, and is married to Alan with two daughters Sasha and Rhianna who are a great inspiration on the journey.
Streams Courses:
Limitless – Author
Tabernacle Symposium – Author
Art of Hearing God – Teacher
Understanding Dreams & Visions – Teacher
Advanced Workshop in Dreams & Visions – Teacher