John E. Thomas
Lewisville, TexasPresident, Streams Ministries
My name is John and I’m married to my lovely wife, Dawna. As President of Streams Ministries, I have the privilege of influencing Streams to fulfill God’s purpose for her, primarily through relationships and teaching. I currently live in Frisco, Texas. I love to cook and host friends for games. I redefine coffee snobbery for coffee snobs. My main spiritual gift is wisdom, which comes out in teaching quite a bit.
John and Dawna Thomas were radically saved out of the drug culture in 1996. Personally mentored by John Paul Jackson, they’ve been on staff with or have worked alongside Streams Ministries since 2004. John pastored The Bridge Metrowest (planted by John Paul) for five years before he and Dawna stepped out into full-time itinerant ministry. After John Paul passed away, John began to work more closely with the Streams leadership team and in 2016 was asked to become the president of Streams Ministries.
With his background as a pastor and a minister in various settings around the world, John has a unique perspective on prophetic ministry and the global Body of Christ. He desires to see the Church rise up in her authority and in the full power of the Holy Spirit, and his passion for God’s heart undergirds everything he does. He wants to help the Bride of Christ respond with fervent devotion to the One who called her.
John authored Discerning & Responding to Prophecies, Dream Elements: An Alternative Dream Dictionary and co-authored The Art of Praying the Scriptures: A Fresh Look at Lectio Divina with John Paul Jackson and has also written courses on prophetic ministry, dream interpretation, and the Kingdom of God. As president of Streams Ministries, he ministers internationally to help restore the awe of God to a world that has lost its wonder. He and Dawna live outside of Dallas, Texas.
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