Several years ago, God commissioned us to enter a voyage of discovery. The new wineskin rising within current Church culture needs space and exploration to find the blueprints of the future.
Through the scriptures runs a divine pattern, revealing building layers of creative force bursting with examples of co-creation between God and humanity. From Eden through the Tabernacles of Moses and David, Solomon's Temple, Jesus, the Church, and the magnificence of the new Jerusalem we can find profoundly mystical yet practical revelation.
The pieces of the Tabernacle Pattern lie disconnected in the minds of many believers. Like the mechanisms of a clock, they will not activate without connection to each other and the master clockmaker. Our aim is to pick up the pieces because we believe God intended for His people to carry ingenious, innovative solutions and creative energy through every area of society- government, business, education, science, family, the arts, media, and more. The Tabernacle pattern is like an ancient storehouse of wisdom, empowering us to do just that.
From its inception, the Holy Spirit has constantly surprised us, deepening our understanding of the profoundly mystical yet practical Tabernacle pattern and the treasure it holds for our growing relationship with the Trinity, as well as our modern Kingdom commissions.
This journey has taken us through many years and multiple nations. Each Tabernacle gathering has been unique as we have explored the revelatory messages within the pattern and held open sacred spaces for believers to explore God with liberating results full of powerful encounter. Diverse creativity is both the tool and the result.
Tabernacle symposium was recorded at Stream's film studio in Dallas attempting to capture some of the key foundational teachings and demonstrate various creative responses. However, every Tabernacle gathering is different because of God's intent for that gathering, the community of people, and the creative elements available.
This course is designed not to show you the only way to respond to the depth of revelation but to suggest ways to delve deeper, to courageously go off the page and see where the Spirit will lead you.
Your setting and community may look very different to ours. Our prayer is that the anointing and revelation within this course will activate you to find new paths as you explore God's heart for your time and place.
Through sessions of teaching, interactive response and demonstration this course is designed to help you:
- Understand more about the divine Tabernacle Pattern, unlocking the revelation contained within.
- Discover more about the unique creative gifting God has given you for your unique calling.
- Discover new freedom and possibility in your ability to explore God, deepening relationship and encounter with the Trinity.
- Understand the expansive and varied language of God more fully.
- Identify the role and purpose of God's creativity for the Church and mission.
Creative Fusion

The core message of Streams Creative House
“God intended for His people to carry ingenious, innovative solutions and creative energy through every area of society, modelling the multifaceted character of the Creator who crafted them.“
Course Details
$99.00 for 1 year