Spiritual Realm Collection

Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $45.00.


Introducing Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit continues to be an enigma to many, including Christians. Some find Him difficult to really know and others think of Him as a thing to be had rather than a person to be known. Join John as he discusses what the Bible has to say about this amazing Person, learn of His fun-loving personality, and allow your hunger to know Him personally grow.

The MP3 version of this resource comes with a companion downloadable e-book called Introducing Holy Spirit by John E. Thomas.


Interaction Between Heaven and Earth CD/DVD COMBO

This teaching from John Paul will give you a clearer picture of Heaven’s administration by explaining spiritual weapons God has given us and the spiritual beings God has created to help us use those weapons.

You will come away from this teaching knowing:

1) God wants you to live an exciting, vibrant, supernatural life through Christ Jesus, and Heaven’s interaction is vital in helping you do that.

2) God wants you to understand His eternal nature, and in doing so, grasp the difference in not only the eternal and temporal, but the eternal and everlasting.

3) God wants us to understand that the co-existing Spiritual Realm is superior to the Temporal Realm in every instance.

4) God wants us to set our mind on things above so that we have Above the Line Thinking. How do you get Above the Line Thinking?

How you think will lay the groundwork for your destiny. Jesus wants to see His earthly rule and His purposes established here on earth and He wants to use you to do it. Find out that you’re not alone in this endeavor, in The Interaction Between Heaven and Earth.


Mystery of Movement and Worship - MP3

Did you know that every element in Heaven is alive and moving? Did you know that you were created with the need to communicate with God through movement? You have deep internal instincts and motivations that are driving you toward dynamic, passionate worship.

Watch as John Paul teaches about the interaction of motion, sound, light, color, and energy in Heaven. Everything that happens in the throne room is worship. Learn how your worship on earth can—and is meant to—reflect that of Heaven.

“To touch true worship, we must enter into the realm of the supernatural; we must enter into the realm of God. To do this, we must give ourselves the freedom, then, to experiment, because if you don't have the freedom to experiment, you are ruled by something other than your spirit . . . But this is exactly what David did when he danced with all his might on the road from Obed-Edom. He gave himself the freedom to experiment, and this allowed him to dance like he had never danced before!”

Watching or hearing this message will open your eyes to the throne-room significance of your active, adventurous worship!

The combo includes both an audio CD and a DVD of the same message from John Paul Jackson. The MP3 is audio only.

Heavenly Beings

This study card helps break down the types of spiritual beings found in Scripture as well as the Hebrew and Greek names and meanings for those beings.