Signature Series MP3 Bundle – Spiritual Living

Original price was: $298.00.Current price is: $89.00.


Advancing to the Next Spiritual Level - MP3

Join John Paul Jackson as he teaches you how to advance to the next spiritual level. This four part series has encouraged thousands of people to grow even more as they pursue all that God has for them. Messages include:

  • The Fame of God
  • Stage Three Spirituality
  • Entering Your Destiny
  • Gaining Strength From Your Past

Available in MP3 audio download only.

The Best of Beyond - MP3

Christ in You the Hope of Glory MP3

The Bible teaches the concept of union with God or union with Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit throughout the New Testament. What does it actually mean to be united with Christ, or as Paul says, "He who belongs to Christ is one spirit with Him." (1 Corinthians 6:17. Listen in as John explores this subject and inspires greater faith for you to know He is with you. It is Christ in you that is the hope of glory!

This resource is currently only available as an MP3 download.


The Creative Spirit MP3

Divine Chaos MP3

Don't panic! Everything is going according to plan.
Find new hope in the midst of uncertainty.

Chaos is God's intricate plan to bring about new things in your life.
Chaos saves you from mediocrity.
Chaos marvelously inspires innovation, creativity, ingenuity and imagination.
Chaos destroys old patterns in your life and escorts you into your destiny.

Listen in as John Paul dives into the wonders of divine chaos while covering other topics such as strange attractors, relationship and the atomic bond, the Law of Observation and much more.
Pentecost appeared to be a chaotic time, but the outcome was a higher spiritual level and the unveiling of a grander order. This message will cause you to rethink the chaos in your life and open your eyes to life-transforming truths.


Divine Healing Series - MP3

Foundations of Leadership MP3

Discover simple secrets to help move others toward their destiny and advance the Kingdom.

God has called each one of us to be a leader.
What does this mean for you?

How can you recognize and become a secure leader?
How do you know when it’s time to pursue your leadership calling?
Learn the 9 principles of effective leadership that will revolutionize the way you interact with those you lead.
Develop a leadership team that accomplishes the impossible.
Discover simple secrets to help move others toward their destiny and advance the Kingdom.
All these issues and more are covered in Foundations of Leadership. In this season, we are called to be radically different than what we’ve been in the past. No matter your occupation or training, this teaching will prepare you for your destiny and help you walk with God in trust and humility.

Only available as MP3.


Healings and Measures of Faith MP3

Do you ever question whether you have enough faith for healing?

Healing and miracles are an important aspect of your role here on earth as a believer. But what kind of faith will it take to see these supernatural events take place in your life? And, more importantly, how do you get that faith?
John Paul Jackson will explain the Biblical system and principles of healing faith and teach you how to build your faith to a level that allows the miraculous to take place in your life.
Watch as John Paul answers the following questions:

What are the three basic principals of healing?
What is the difference between healing and miracles?
Why do Christians get confused about faith?
What is the one thing that hinders the works of God most of all?
Is there such a thing as anti-faith?

Expect your life to change dramatically as you set your heart on this pilgrimage towards greater faith and the pursuit of the “greater things” that Jesus spoke of to His disciples.


How God Kills Fear-MP3

Learn how God wants to transform your fear into the type of faith from which valiant champions are made.

What do you depend on the most?
Your strength? Your money? Your position?
What if it suddenly disappeared?
It could happen. It happened to Gideon.

The constant ebb and flow of fear in your life will keep you from your purpose. But learn how God wants to transform your fear into the type of faith from which valiant champions are made in How God Kills Fear, a resource from John Paul Jackson.
Do you consider yourself as weak and fearful? Good. So was Gideon. And it made him a perfect candidate to become a Mighty Man of Valor. Identify the ways God whittles away at fear in your life and uses your choices to do it, and watch as John Paul unfolds God’s strategy to kill fear in your life

In this resource you will also discover...

How your fear will also limit the influence you have on others – including your family.
God created you for a purpose and His plans don’t have to be limited by your fears and weaknesses.
The difference between fear and faith.
Whether generational issues are playing a part in your fear.

Ask yourself, “Do you really trust God with your future?”

Increasing Your Spirit's Capacity

Interaction Between Heaven and Earth CD/DVD COMBO

This teaching from John Paul will give you a clearer picture of Heaven’s administration by explaining spiritual weapons God has given us and the spiritual beings God has created to help us use those weapons.

You will come away from this teaching knowing:

1) God wants you to live an exciting, vibrant, supernatural life through Christ Jesus, and Heaven’s interaction is vital in helping you do that.

2) God wants you to understand His eternal nature, and in doing so, grasp the difference in not only the eternal and temporal, but the eternal and everlasting.

3) God wants us to understand that the co-existing Spiritual Realm is superior to the Temporal Realm in every instance.

4) God wants us to set our mind on things above so that we have Above the Line Thinking. How do you get Above the Line Thinking?

How you think will lay the groundwork for your destiny. Jesus wants to see His earthly rule and His purposes established here on earth and He wants to use you to do it. Find out that you’re not alone in this endeavor, in The Interaction Between Heaven and Earth.


The Journey Into a Life Worth Living

If Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, what’s the difference between the life we’re living now and the life He wants to give us?

You will never be completely satisfied until you live the life Jesus designed you to live—a life worth living!

We often think of ourselves as human beings having occasional spiritual experiences, but the Bible describes us as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. If Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, what’s the difference between the life we’re living now and the life He wants to give us?

In The Journey into a Life Worth Living, taken from John Paul’s course Living the Spiritual Life, you’ll learn how to make the transformational shift from a bio life to a zoe life—a life in which your body, soul and spirit are in harmony.
In this 2-CD teaching you’ll discover:

• What living a spiritual life looks like.
• The ebb and flow of the Kingdom including prayer, angels, and
• How you can be a partaker in the divine nature of God.
• How to recognize when the Holy Spirit is causing a divine
hunger inside of you.
• How to attune your spirit to the Holy Spirit.
• How to reach a place where you do only what you see the Father


The Kingdom of God in Turbulent Times - MP3

In this two part series John Paul Jackson teaches about the kingdom of God and how your understanding of God's kingdom gives you security as you face turbulent times. Many people, when they heard John Paul share what he saw about a "Perfect Storm" coming to the world wanted to know how to respond. This was his answer!

An e-book with John Paul's notes is included in your download. Be encouraged and move forward with confidence as you understand the kingdom of God in a new light!


Matters of the Earth MP3

Creation is groaning, eagerly awaiting for you to become all God has created you to be.

In fact, it wants to help you get there.

Not just the birds of the air and the beasts of the field, but the ground under your feet and the wood and brick that make up your dwelling places, all can play a part in helping us become who God made us to be. Listen as John Paul uncovers one of the greatest mysteries in the Bible -- the divine, original plan of God for the interaction of man and creation. What if the land upon which sin and destruction has taken place remembered that sin, and withheld its strength because of it. Discover how the earth can release its strength to you. Your authority to subdue all the earth was restored when Jesus died on the cross. It's time for you to use it. Learn how in over four hours of riveting teaching that will have you reaching for your Bible time and time again.

Creation is waiting. Reveal yourself!

Maximizing Heaven's Help MP3

Your choices determine your future. The things you are doing today are either attracting heavens activity or repelling it. When you learn these principles and begin to live by them your life will change and the level of supernatural activity in your life will increase!

Learn how to renew your mind to focus primarily on God's ways and attributes, which will then amplifying His ability to dramatically move in impossible situations.

Available as an MP3 download only.



My Journey So Far

Listen as John Paul Jackson shares his journey so far. From telling his childhood friends their future to demanding God leave him alone, and then to the radio show that introduced him to the call on his life, John Paul’s candid storytelling will touch your heart and show you how easily God is able to direct your steps.

Gain insight into everyday living that will move you into higher levels of the Spirit.
Understand that nothing you have done will keep you from God’s call on your life.
God is active even in the mundane; learn to recognize His fingerprints in your journey.
Secure freedom from the thoughts that try to bind you.
Be passionate for the awe of God!
Bonus Tracks - These tips alone are worth the price! Apply them and see your life change.
Top Ten Tips: Things I Wish I’d Known Then
Save yourself pain and time by applying John Paul’s lessons to your life.
Conquer the giants that stand against you—and reach your destiny.

Mystery of Movement and Worship - MP3

Did you know that every element in Heaven is alive and moving? Did you know that you were created with the need to communicate with God through movement? You have deep internal instincts and motivations that are driving you toward dynamic, passionate worship.

Watch as John Paul teaches about the interaction of motion, sound, light, color, and energy in Heaven. Everything that happens in the throne room is worship. Learn how your worship on earth can—and is meant to—reflect that of Heaven.

“To touch true worship, we must enter into the realm of the supernatural; we must enter into the realm of God. To do this, we must give ourselves the freedom, then, to experiment, because if you don't have the freedom to experiment, you are ruled by something other than your spirit . . . But this is exactly what David did when he danced with all his might on the road from Obed-Edom. He gave himself the freedom to experiment, and this allowed him to dance like he had never danced before!”

Watching or hearing this message will open your eyes to the throne-room significance of your active, adventurous worship!

The combo includes both an audio CD and a DVD of the same message from John Paul Jackson. The MP3 is audio only.

Passage to Intimacy MP3

Personage of the Holy Spirit MP3

Power and Authority

From the beginning, God provided man with Power and Authority. Many think these two are one and the same–but they are not.

The Bible clearly distinguishes two realities of Jesus by which the people marveled: the power He displayed and the authority He carried. Many in the Church seek power. Few seek authority.

Everyone wants power, but very few of us understand the other side of that coin and that is authority.
Power is a gift that is given to you and must be exercised daily.
Authority is not a gift. It comes through a relationship with He who has all authority.
This authority can never go higher than the One who gives you this authority.
Authority is only as deep as your relationship is with the Father.

If you are a Christian who is bored with your walk with the Lord, you probably have never experienced God’s kingdom power and authority in your life!

In this dynamic teaching, John Paul shares how every believer has the ability to develop a special relationship with their Heavenly Father, and obtain through submission more of His kingdom power and authority flowing in their lives. He explores how authority will ignite you to proactively take dominion over all powers that are counterproductive to God’s purpose for your life.

It’s time for you to live a life that displays both the power and authority of the Kingdom. Find out how, in Power and Authority!


Preparing for Your Visitation MP3

This is available in MP3 only.

Encounter God's transforming power in your life like never before! In this life-changing series, John Paul Jackson uncovers the greatest ploys of the enemy that have hindered many from truly entering into God's glorious presence.


Recapturing Your Spiritual Authority MP3

Are you walking in such authority that the enemy trembles at the presence of God within you?

Understand who you really are in Christ and the spiritual authority God intends for you to exercise. Learn to uncover and recognize the hidden lies you still believe. Learn to violently invade darkness and see the Kingdom of God expand. Walk in full confidence knowing that everything in Heaven is available to you.

This impacting teaching by John Paul Jackson is one that must be seen, not just heard! Using visual stage props, John Paul portrays the issue of God-given authority in a humorous way and exposes one of the most devastating lies the enemy uses against people in the Church.

The MP3 version is audio only.


Regaining What You've Lost

For anyone who feels like their mistakes from the past have caused them to miss out on their God-given purpose, this teaching from John Paul is an inspirational reminder that God has already written your story and will use your past failures to propel you into your destiny.


Relationship with Holy Spirit

Six Signs of a Rising Warrior - MP3

John Paul reveals the heart and soul of the true warrior, and the journey it takes to seal their destiny in God.

Today God is calling champions of Biblical proportions!
Could you be one of them?

Have you ever found yourself longing to be more like the champions and heroes of the Bible, where Moses found the courage to confront Pharaoh, or even how Joseph endured prison for a crime he didn’t do?
What does God require to be one of His champions?
Find out how God’s heroes were shaped by His hand to become the supermen and women we admire today.
In this resource, John Paul reveals the heart and soul of the true warrior, and the journey it takes to seal their destiny in God.

You will learn six traits that separate the great from the average.
You will learn how having a “title” prematurely can be dangerous.
You will learn how to pick up your cross and follow Jesus.

Come to a place where your sufficiency is in God and not yourself. God is looking for you to become a champion. He wants to war on your behalf!


Spiritual Creativity MP3

Storms, Faith, and the Miraculous MP3

"God will move heaven and earth to get you where you are suppose to be if you are where you are suppose to be." This faith inspiring message is filled with kingdom wisdom, entertaining story-telling, and astounding testimonies of supernatural intervention. As you listen to John Paul Jackson share you will be encouraged and challenged to be believe for more from our loving Father!

Available as an MP3 download only.

Strongholds—the Battle Within MP3

In this two part message John Paul Jackson explains what a stronghold is, how to recognize them, and how to remove their influence from your life. He reveals that the worst part about having a stronghold is that we often don't know it, we think what we believe or do is normal. This insightful message will give you the tools to walk in freedom and help others to experience that same freedom!


True Spirituality

What is True Spirituality?
How can you tell the difference between True and Dark Spirituality?

The world is craving "spirituality" more than ever. But why aren't the churches growing? The demand for "spiritual enlightenment" today is mind-boggling - one need look no further than the Spirituality section of Barnes and Noble to see how the world is now filling the God-shaped hole in their hearts through the philosophies of Oprah Winfrey and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. But in doing so, what light is the world letting in
In this two-disc set, John Paul discusses how the gurus of the day can call themselves spiritual and in some ways actually be correct in doing so.
What is it going to take to ensure you are hearing from the One, True, Pure, Holy Spirit? In tumultuous times you need to know the difference between what is good and what is God. Join John Paul as he shares this timely teaching of discernment and learn how to avoid the subtle persuasions of the enemy by following the One, True, Pure, Holy Spirit.


Where's God?


If you’re following God, you may well find yourself as David — alone and so distraught you have no more tears to cry out. Or, in God’s view, right where he wants you.

In this amazing teaching, John Paul takes you along on a series of plot twists and parallel storylines that display the manifold wisdom of a God never taken by surprise.

Learn to view your life outside the constraints of your own timeline by understanding how God uses the intersection of friends, adversaries and life circumstances to create a capable vessel.

Discover the biblical key to “strengthening yourself in the Lord.”

This teaching by John Paul Jackson will help you recognize the visible signs of an invisible God and display His power in your life even in the most difficult times.

Before the Kingdom of Heaven can advance through you, it must advance in you! Learn to surrender to that transformational process and live an overcoming life in Him!


Your Great Purpose

Listening to this teaching will increase the impact your life will have; it will teach you to be a catalyst in Heaven's revolution.

If you’ve ever doubted your ability to be a change agent in the world—to have influence and Kingdom impact in the world around you—this powerful 2-CD teaching from John Paul will inspire you with God’s truth and the faith to go beyond the ordinary and believe his supernatural purpose and destiny for your life will happen!

Your Next Victory

Listen as John Paul explains how you can grow in wisdom and understanding even when it feels everything is falling apart.

Discover how to enter the secret place and become a partaker in God’s divine nature!

Do you find yourself facing the same obstacles over and over again? Does it seem like you’ve been making your way around the mountain for years and the scenery never changes? Your Christian walk is seldom a flat, straight path. More often, it’s a long, winding road full of deep valleys and steep hills. God never leaves us during our lifelong journey to Him, but sometimes it feels that way.

In Your Next Victory, you’ll learn how to recognize and overcome seasons in your life when God feels far away.
Listen as John Paul explains how you can grow in wisdom and understanding even when it feels everything is falling apart.

• What does fear of the Lord mean and how can it lead to spiritual wisdom?
• How do we receive breakthrough in areas we’ve struggled in for years?
• What does it really mean to die to self and to be crucified with Christ?
• How do we grope for God and enter His presence when we don’t feel He’s near?